Top eLearning Trends for 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of eLearning, staying current with industry trends isn't just beneficial—it's essential. As we start 2024, certain trends are shaping the future of how we learn online. This blog post will spotlight the top eLearning trends for the new year. These trends reflect the ongoing changes in technology, learner preferences, and instructional strategies. By understanding these trends, educators and learners can better prepare for the future of digital education.


The Rise of Microlearning

Microlearning is becoming increasingly popular in the eLearning sphere. This approach breaks down information into bite-sized, easily digestible segments, making it ideal for today's fast-paced world. Microlearning is particularly effective in improving knowledge retention and engagement. It's a practical solution for busy professionals who might not have the time for extended learning sessions.

LeanForward has successfully incorporated microlearning into our training programs, offering short, focused lessons that learners can engage with on-the-go. We have enjoyed using Articulate Rise due its ability to adapt to the learner’s screen depending on what they are using to access the course, whether PC or mobile. Rise’s interface is built from the ground up specifically for microlearning.


Fostering Social Learning Communities

The importance of social interaction in learning cannot be overstated. In 2024, eLearning is expected to lean heavily into social learning communities. Some learning management platforms are integrating features that allow learners to interact, share knowledge, and learn from each other. This can take the form of discussion forums, group projects, or peer review systems.

Successful initiatives, like those seen in platforms like Edmodo or Canvas, have shown that learners benefit significantly from this collaborative approach, both academically and in terms of personal growth.


Prioritizing Accessibility in eLearning

Accessibility in eLearning ensures that all learners, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, have equal access to educational content. In 2024, there's an increased focus on creating content that's universally accessible. This includes providing subtitles for videos, ensuring screen reader compatibility, and designing courses that cater to diverse learning needs. By adhering to accessibility standards, organizations not only enhance learner engagement but also comply with legal requirements, making learning inclusive and equitable for everyone. LeanForward makes sure all of our courses have full functionality for all learners.


Gamification for Enhanced Engagement

Gamification in eLearning refers to the use of game-like elements in educational settings to motivate and engage learners. These elements can include point scoring, competitions, or earning badges. Gamified learning has been shown to boost motivation and enhance the learning experience.

Using gamification effectively, particularly seamlessly throughout the content of the course, has proven to be highly successful in keeping learners engaged and committed to their learning journey. LeanForward enjoys the process of collaborating with clients to figure out how gamification might work for them.


Harnessing AI for Personalized Learning

It wouldn’t be a top trends list without mentioning AI! Artificial Intelligence (AI) is assisting eLearning primarily through personalized learning experiences. AI has assisted Instructional Designers in interpreting data from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to find out where the gaps in knowledge may lie, allowing us IDs at LeanForward to spend more time on the content. Using AI for high-level outlines and objectives that match what the client needs frees up a lot of time for the designer to unleash full creativity on courses. On a smaller scale, one of our favorite uses of AI has been to quickly provide alternative text for complicated graphics, making our courses more accessible than ever.



The eLearning trends for 2024, from microlearning to the emphasis on accessibility and gamification, are set to redefine the educational landscape. For eLearning professionals and learners alike, being aware of these trends is crucial. They offer insights into how learning is evolving and how to adapt to these changes effectively. Staying informed and incorporating these trends can lead to more engaging, inclusive, and successful learning experiences.

As LeanForward looks towards 2024, the future of eLearning is bright and full of possibilities. We invite you to join the conversation with us and engage with LeanForward on your training and elearning goals.  And if you're keen to stay updated on the latest in eLearning, don't forget to subscribe to our blog or explore our other resources for more insightful content.


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