Integrity Communications Expands Business in a Transforming Market

When face-to-face engagements dried up due to the global pandemic, Integrity came to a critical decision point. How could they adapt their small business to the transforming market?

Integrity has always been set apart by their commitment to building effective communicators. Clients have come to rely on Integrity’s flagship program Fundamentals of Communication to deliver the hands-on coaching their high potential employees need.

When face-to-face engagements dried up due to the global pandemic, Integrity came to a critical decision point. Their business could not sustain the losses that were quickly adding up but pivoting from their proven model seemed like a risky move.

Integrity attempted to modify their flagship program for online delivery themselves, but quickly realized they did not have the expertise to achieve this goal with the level of excellence their clients deserve. Integrity needed to identify an experienced partner to guide them through this new terrain.

Integrity Engaged LeanForward

Integrity entered a consulting relationship perfectly aligned to their needs and values. As a successful small business, LeanForward understands the importance of staying aligned with the things in life that matter most.

Through a close working relationship, LeanForward’s experienced team tailored an expert learning solution to the heart of Integrity’s business need. Integrity embraced LeanForward’s recommendation to develop a brand-new blended learning program.

Fundamentals of Virtual Communication would:

/// Meet the shifting needs of their existing clients

/// Open new markets for Integrity

/// Make Integrity’s flagship content scalable

/// Support the needs of their international clients

/// Allow instructors to focus where their coaching is most needed

LeanForward Provided Results

Fundamentals of Virtual Communication is a flexible, blended, week-long training program that has propelled Integrity to the cutting edge of its industry, opening doors to new markets and new opportunities.

“No consultant or contractor has ever shown me the degree of attention or appreciation –with RESULTS – the way you have treated me.”


The program generated substantial business at its inception, shattering any return expectations Integrity had in mind. Revenue from the program surpassed Integrity’s initial investment within a few short months of its pilot launch. LeanForward championed the success of Integrity’s business with excellence, driving Integrity to a whole new level.

9 New Bookings
lined up into next year
40% New Clients
booking the program
300% New Growth
in office staff
2022 New Office
construction begins

LeanForward offered Integrity the total package: Excellence, Experience, and Expertise.

Let us know how we can help your organization capitalize on the advantages of elearning.


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